Equipment for film sets / shooting locations
Trotec technology ensures decent wind and relaxed actors

Equipment for photo sets / shooting locations
Remote unheated locations. Models presenting beach fashion in the wintertime. A storm scene which has to be shot under a glorious blue sky: At film and photo sets one often has to come up with a little trick to end up with exactly those takes envisaged in the shooting or film production schedule. Trotec provides professional equipment for special effects as well as warm and cosy set conditions.
Whether photo artists, catalogue shoots or fashion photos: What looks good on the pictures, is not necessarily pleasant for models and crew. For instance, summer collections and beach fashion are shot in the wintertime, designer furniture has a higher-quality appearance when presented in the industrial chic of a rough depot and hair gently blowing in the wind can't be effected in front of a windless blue screen unless there is a trick to it.
To remedy the models' goose bumps and to ensure stylists and set designers a steady hand not shaking from the cold, Trotec provides mobile heating solutions which reliably heat all environments from the smallest of rooms to vast halls. Wind machines see to beautiful effects and in combination with water can also evoke showers and storms.
Solutions for special effects and warm sets
Whether they are used subtly in the background or in front of the camera: Film sets and shooting locations can hardly be imagined without wind machines. When wind, storm and severe weather need to be simulated, a vehicle's dynamics visualized, or the flowing hair of a singer is to swirl around her in the music video: Wind effects often play a major part in films, videos and TV commercials. Trotec provides professional wind machines simulating everything from a gentle breeze over gale to even hurricanes.
There can be pretty harsh conditions when shooting at unheated outdoor locations. For performers and crew to be able to sit in the warm, Trotec offers heating solutions for indoor and outdoor areas. E.g. compact electric heaters for camper vans and interior spaces, or robust oil heating units such as the heating devices of the ID series, which can be used at temperatures to -20 °C and reliably heat even large halls.
Make use of our best practice industrial services
Since every industrial undertaking has characteristic process flows, installations and facilities, every air treatment solution demands case-specific device configurations. All in all, the combined effects of air currents, humidity conditions and temperature fluctuations are often hard to calculate on a purely theoretical basis, e.g. in airlock areas or on conveying paths. The consequence: Unnecessary additional costs due to an overestimated demand or – even worse – solutions not working sufficiently in real life.
You can count on our experts
In order to precisely calculate the demand in the industry and to develop tailor-made concepts for climate conditioning experienced climate specialists are needed. Rely on our team of experts as well as the industrial services: We analyse the individual requirement situation with you present on site, determine the specific demand for devices and develop a tailor-made project solution right up to the exact positioning of the devices.
Just give us a call at +49 2452 962-777 – our industry consultants will be pleased to help you personally and provide information regarding our best practice industrial services. Or send a request indicating your personal requirements directly to our industry experts. We will answer promptly!
Trotec products for filming, photography and event industry
standard equipment
optionally available
not available